Thursday, September 4, 2008

the lost art of writing a "syllabus"?

You know, I remember when I went to school, my teachers had the whole year planned out ahead of time. In junior high and high school, we even had our coming year's schedule (with a syllabus for each class) by the end of the school year. Now, I don't mean they had each minute of each day planned. But they knew what subjects would be taught and for the most part what needed to be covered by the end of each quarter.

Yet each year when my kids start school, it's the same thing - no one knows what will be taught, let alone how many hours of each subject or on which days. Every day this week, the kids have come home saying something along the lines of "Today we had sports class, but they didn't tell us yesterday so none of the kids had sports shoes on" or "Our teacher said that we might have English and Art tomorrow, so we're supposed to bring our stuff for those classes just in case." It's completely ridiculous. Each year, this goes on for at least the first 3-4 weeks until finally the school and the teachers for each grade get their act together and decide what the curriculum will be.

How can they expect the students to get their work done on time if the teachers can't even pull it off? And how are the teachers supposed to write a syllabus, if the school can't even figure out the curriculum for the school year before the school year starts?

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